Sunday 2 February 2014

rails database where query with params

rails database where query with params

1.Action Controller Overview — Ruby on Rails Guides

Description:... called query string parameters. ... All controllers in
Rails have the send_data and the send_file methods, ... (params[:id])
send_data generate_pdf ...

2.rails database where query with params - Stack Overflow

Description:I want to make a db query in my Controller with a where
statement as params. How do I do that? example: def show @user =
User.where(:user_id => params[:user_id]) end

3.Active Record Query Interface — Ruby on Rails Guides

Description:... then you will generally find that there are better ways to
carry out the same operations in Rails. ... params[:first _name]}%'") is
not ... query the database ...

4.Action Controller: Parameters - Ruby on Rails

Description:... to access data sent in ... Rails does not make any
distinction between query string parameters and POST parameters, and both
are available in the `params` hash in ...

5.How to search in database by like query in ruby on rails ...

Description:i am using rails and mongo db as database simply i want to
search I have a field name role Now i send the search item in .
params[:role] params[:name]

6.make a sortible AJAX table in Rails

Description:An important thing here is the javascript_include_tag tag
which will be replaced by the javascript libraries used by Rails ... ,
params ['query ... database query ...

7.Riding Rails: Use params, not @params

Description:Methods can be refactored, but instance variables can't. Today
the params method just wraps the @params instance variable, ... "Rails",
"Ruby on Rails", ...

8.Rails 3 link to query params - All about rails 3 link to ...

Description:We list information about rails 3 link to query params
(Images, videos and related information.) Rails 3 link to
query params.

9.Halp! The Internet is Borken!: a Ruby on Rails query with ...

Description:04-02-2008 · a Ruby on Rails query with the LIKE syntax in :
... or .find(params[:id]). I needed to query my database based on a simple
condition, ... {params[: uname ...

10.Rails AJAX Post and database query - Javascript Q&A

Description:@details=Family.find_by(famid: params[:famid]) respond_to do
|format ... to query the database and update page content ... im trying to
post data by ajax to a rails ...

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